Our History
RAC was first established back in 1917 to ensure the efficient movement of troops and supplies during the First World War. Its role may have changed over the years, but it remains just as relevant today as the day it was formed. But RAC and its members aren’t standing still—we are moving forward in innovative ways, helping Canadian businesses to stay competitive, supporting community economic development, and ensuring a safe and sustainable rail network for the future.

Moving People, Goods and the Economy
Canada’s rail sector isn’t just safely transporting goods and people from coast to coast—it’s powering our economy. RAC members employ more than 37,000 Canadians in railway operations, technology, safety, security and leadership positions. This highly productive workforce moves close to 70 per cent of all surface goods and half of the nation’s exports every year—delivering Canada’s amazing products to the country and the world.
Strong Advocates for Canada’s Railways
RAC’s mission is to work with governments and communities across the country to ensure that Canada’s rail sector remains globally competitive, sustainable, and most importantly, safe. Governments turn to RAC to help them develop new regulations, rules and standards. RAC also provides outreach, research and public education to ensure that Canadians are aware of the critical role rail plays in our lives and our economy.
This is what we stand for
Our Values
We champion safety in everything we do and in every initiative we lead.
We value every individual and treat our members, employees and stakeholders with genuine respect.
We are committed to pursuing excellence in all that we do and supporting others to attain it.
We are driven by continuous improvement, and we take ownership and pride in our work.
We value, encourage and celebrate every individual’s involvement and expression in our organization and industry.
Our Vision
Continue to lead the railway industry towards a safe and sustainable future.
Our Mission
Work collaboratively with members, governments and communities to ensure that Canada’s rail sector is recognized as one of the safest, most competitive, and sustainable in the world.
Get to Know Us
Looking to Become a Member?
The Railway Association of Canada (RAC) represents close to 60 freight and passenger railway companies-railways that transport millions of passengers. and approximately $380 billion worth of goods across our country each year. As part of the fifth largest rail network in the world, RAC members are the backbone of Canada’s transportation system.