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Goderich Exeter Railway hosts TRANSCAER® event

On May 7 and 8, the GEXR hosted a TRANSCAER event in their both Stratford and Kitchener Ontario railyards.

This event was attended by local emergency responders (Fire and EMS) in order to educate them on what to expect in the event of a dangerous goods incident on railway property.

There were presentations made to the group about GEXR railway operations, dangerous goods documentation, incident command and working safely on railway property.

These sessions were finished off with a “hands-on” tour of the training tank car CCPX 911 which is like a classroom on wheels.

This specially built railway tank car houses many different varieties of railway tank car valving, piping and fittings. This is to show the first responders what they may see if the railway calls for assistance in a transportation incident involving dangerous goods.

These TRANSCAER sessions were delivered by GEXR managers and the Railway Association of Canada Dangerous Goods Team.

For more information, contact: Andy Ash, RAC Director, Dangerous Goods – 905 953 8991, andya@railcan.ca.