Registration for this event is closed.
Quality Inn, 36035 North Parallel Road, Abbotsford, BC
March 21, 2018 – Baker Room
17:30 – 18:00
Dinner registration
Buffet dinner
18:45 – 19:45
Master of ceremonies: Geoff Morrison, Manager of British Columbia Operations, CAPP
Speaker: Blake Williams, Emergency Response Lead, Husky Energy
Welcome and introduction to the British Columbia Preparedness and Coordination Organization.
Case study: Lessons learned from the North Saskatchewan River oil spill.
March 22, 2018 – Pinnacle Room 2
7:45 – 8:15
Master of ceremonies: Geoff Morrison, Manager of British Columbia Operations, CAPP
Breakfast, Welcome and Safety Briefing
8:15 – 9:15
Geographic Response Planning
Moderator: Jamie Kereliuk, Director, Emergency Management, Kinder Morgan Canada
Ken Mclernon, EM Advisor, Kinder Morgan Canada
Tina Donald, Council member, SIMPCW First Nation
Dion Arnouse, Principal, 2 Badgers Consulting
Jim Kozey, Director Hazardous Materials, CP Rail
9:15 – 10:00
Mutual Aid
Moderator: Patrick Smyth, Vice President, Performance, Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
Mark Pickering, Supervisor, Emergency and Security Management, Pembina Pipeline Corporation
Blake Williams, Emergency Response Lead, Husky Energy
Mike Linder, Environmental Officer BC, CN
10:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 11:30
Response and Engagement
Moderator: Adam Cooney, Manager, Environment & Emergency Response
Parkland Fuel Corporation
Bill Jahelka, WCMRC – Van Island Regional Operations Manager
Brent Langlois, Executive Director, First Nations’ Emergency Service Society of B.C.
11:30 – 12:00
Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT): Environment and Climate Change Canada’s 3rd edition of the SCAT Manual
Moderator: Curtis Myson, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Specialist, Railway Association of Canada
Sonia Laforest, Shoreline Scientist, Environment and Climate Change Canada
12:00 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:00
Capacity Building and Outreach
Moderator: Kara Edwards, Director, Transportation, CIAC
Jim Bird, Regional Director, Responsible Distribution Canada
Jeffrey Bowes, Emergency Response Specialist, Shell
14:00 – 15:00
British Columbia Spill Response and New Regulations
Moderator: Geoff Morrison, Manager of British Columbia Operations, CAPP
Angie Poss, Response Manager, BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Ben Vander Steen, Planning, Preparedness and Recovery Manager, BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
15:00 – 15:30
Closing remarks and conference feedback forms
For more information on our PCO members, please go to their website below
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
Responsible Distribution Canada
Chemistry Industry Association of Canada